Nezavisne novine: At the beginning of next academic year, an electronic registry will be introduced in seven schools in BiH, has been confirmed in departmental ministries.
As it has been stipulated, parents will by the Internet, or on the school website, by typing their password, have an access to all data, or grades and absences of their children.
The pilot project of electronic registries has been planned for now in the FBiH on the region of canton Sarajevo, in Elementary school "Behaudin Selmanović" and in II Gymnasium.
The Ministry of Education and Culture of the RS, plans in this year the introduction of electronic registries in two high and three elementary schools.
Electronic registry only in Elementary school "Ivo Andrić"
In the RS, for now, electronic registry only has the Elementary school "Ivo Andrić" in Banja Luka. In the Ministry of Education and Culture of the RS, they have said that the professors in this school have passed a necessary training for handling the electronic registry, while the parents can get all needed information in school.
"During the previous application of electronic registry in Elementary school 'Ivo Andrić' in Banja Luka, it has come to an increased rate of communication between professors, students and parents, which has, in any way, brought to strengthening the trust among them", has been said in the Ministry. In Elementary school "Ivo Andrić" in Banja Luka, professors have been grading their students in electronic registries since January 21, 2008.
"This project has included the Center of high schools of Trebinje, Gymnasium Banjaluka, Elementary school 'Petar Petrović Njegoš' Srebrenica, Elementary school 'Drinić' from Drinići and Regional school Podgrab Pale", has been said in the Ministry and added that 1.1 million KM has been approved from the Developmental program of the RS for the project of introduction of electronic registries.
"The goal is to improve the communication between students, professors and parents. This will, also, be a significant database for the Ministry, because we will have the assumptions to grade the work of professors as well and compare the grades in the same program in different schools", has been said by Anton Kasipović, Minister of Education and Culture of the RS.
According to him, plan of the Ministry is to make this and many other services available to all elementary and high schools in the RS.
Zoran Pejašinović, director of the Gymnasium in Banja Luka, has said that the introduction of electronic registries into the schools has good and bad sides. "Professors are afraid that the parents will, because of the introduction of electronic registries, rarely come to the school to get the information", Pejašinović has said.
The opinion of directors of elementary schools in the rest of the FBiH on this project is different. Some think that it will make parents closer to school, and some that it will just make them more distanced. "It is logical that parents, when they see that their child has missed the class, will come right away and see what is going on. That is why we hardly wait for the beginning of realization of this project", has been said by Safet Velić, director of Elementary school "Behaudin Selmanović" from Sarajevo. His opinion differs from the one of Emica Kevelj, director of the Fourth elementary school from Mostar.
"I have a negative opinion on electronic registries, because I think it will distance the parents from school", she has said. Alija Sulovski, director of Elementary school "Gornja Tuzla", has said that an electronic registry in school is an excellent project.
"I heard about it for the first time and I am glad. But, I have to say that we actually do not have a well expanded internet network. In the school, there is a sufficient number of computers for computer classes", he has said, by adding that such access to grades would bring the parents closer to schools and strengthen their interest for children.