Dnevni avaz: The European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg has offered a strong support to the inclusion of West Balkans in the European Union. With 305 votes for and 23 against, the Resolution on BiH has been adopted. Its main message is that only unified BiH can enter the EU, has been reported by "Deutsche Welle".
During debate, which has foregone voting for the Resolution, Swedish representative in the EP, Ana Ibrišagić has said that she knows that in some Member States, which are against the further enlargement of the EU, election campaign is in the process, but that the countries of West Balkans should not be put in a worse situation.
– Message of this report is that there must come to the enlargement. We should not only stick to the Lisboan agreement, or condition the enlargement only by that agreement, because it could happen that it does not come to its approval. This is one of the task before which the whole EU stands, but we should not bring the Union enlargement into a question – Ibrišagić has said.
At the debate in the EP it has been concluded that BiH is abandoned with no justification, how by domestic, as well as by the officials of the International Community. Head of the East Europe Delegation, Doris Pack has pointed out that in the Fall last year there was a hope that by making an agreement between the three most important parties in BiH it was possible to change something, and has added:
– But, where we are now? By the most part those were some empty promises, which have been dispersed as a soap bubble. Ethnic division has become deeper, but disbelief as well. People are manipulated by irresponsible politics based on clearly ethnic principles, instead of solving the real problems – Pack has said and concluded:
– We want the High Representative to unravel a complicated knot of passiveness in BiH, in order to put stability in BiH and ensure a better future for its citizens.