The House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH has yesterday accepted the Draft law on amendment of the Criminal Code, which has been sent to parliamentary procedure by Vesna Saradžić, deputy chairman of the House from SDU. 31 delegates have voted for this solution, two were against it, and 28 reserved.   

Saradžić has in the amendments of law proposed penalties for persons who physically attack journalists during their work. Penalties for crime go between three months and three years in prison, and if it is about heavy physical injuries, up to five years.

– Because of the nature of journalist job, we must support this act. This is one of the ways to protect their rights and because of the interest of public, we will ensure protection of this honorable job – Saradžić has said.

Irfan Ajanović from SDA thinks that this amendment of law is not in accordance to the Constitution of the FBiH.

– The fact that the journalists are in 70% of cases responsible for what has been happening in this region since 1990., should not be abandoned – Ajanović has said.  

According to Anto Čolak, delegate of HSS, journalists should be protected because they work in the interest of public.  

Delegates have postponed declarations on the Proposal law on amendments to the Law on Civil Service in FBiH, which would make civil servants with studies graduated by Bologna process equal to those who have a higher qualification. Amila Alikadić-Husović from SBiH has asked them to answer if those amendments are necessary in order to hire someone's children or those who already work as unfairly pre-determined.