Nezavisne novine: On the website of the Government of the Republic of Srpska some ministries have published almost nothing on what they did, which is a key goal of official websites of institutions.

It is stipulated for website visitors to find under the link "Activities of ministries" data related to activities and projects of ministries.

Part of the site under this name also has links "Functions of ministry", "In procedure", "Publications", "Achievements" and "Studies".

However, in a part related to ministries of finance, internal affairs, for economic relations and regional cooperation, justice, trade and tourism, science and technology, for family, youth and sport, almost nothing can be seen related to the functions of ministries, except for the plans and reports from last year, in rare cases. There is almost no data even though the homepage informs the visitors that they can find "all information on the Government and its activities".

Under the link "Plans, programs and projects of ministries" there is no significant data except for the annual plan of budget and archive budget, while the link "Services", which contains a part for citizens and business, generally does not have anything.

Maja Stojinić, spokesperson of the Ministry of Finance, says that there are some studies which have been published by ministry, but the fact is that there are no publications published by this ministry.

"Complete website of the RS Government has been made by the same scheme, so all the ministries have received the same links. Some ministries have filled all categories, and some have not", Stojinić has said.

She has pointed out that this ministry delivers list of studies and draft laws which are then being sent to the adoption, so the links themselves cannot be a real diagram of activities of this ministry.

Nedeljko Čubrilović, Minister of Traffic and Relations of the RS, thinks that such omissions are reflection of competencies of professional staff in ministries, who are responsible for that part of job.

"At thematic sessions it is always being deliberated on necessity that media presentation of work of all ministries must be as available to public as possible. Public really needs to be included in what is happening in the Government", Čubrilović has said.

In a part of website related to the Ministry of Traffic and Relations there is certain data in each part of stated links.

Dušica Zubanović, spokesperson of the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sport of the RS, has said that this is a job of spokesperson, and that, as she says, the most important things have been put on website.

"It is not a problem to put some more information", Zubanović has said.