Dnevni avaz: Salaries of the state parliamentarians in 2009. will be increased again. Even though the coefficients have remained the same in relation to the previous year (8.7, 8.5, 8.4), considering the growth of salaries in BiH, it will come to an increase of base (80% on average) from previous 498 to 535 KM. So, chairmen of the houses and their deputies will instead of the previous 4.332 have a base salary of 4.654 KM, "Dnevni avaz" finds out.  

Increase of flat-rates

The salary will also be increased to chairmen and deputies of parliamentary commissions and clubs in both houses, so instead of the previous 4.233 will be 4.547 KM. Neither of delegates and members will be left without increase. Their salary, instead of the previous 4.183 will go up to 4.494 KM.

Last year there were 175 employed

An average number of employed in 2008. in the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH was 175, and average monthly gross salary 3.050 KM.

Besides of increases of salaries to chairmen and deputies of parliamentary houses and commission, delegates and members will also get increased flat-rates from previous 747 to 802 KM.

The report of the Joint commission for administrative affairs of the Parliament of BiH has shown that the expenditures of the Parliament of BiH in last year have been 15.647.330 KM. Even though the previously adopted budget was 14.814.867, this amount is modified to 18.112.942 KM.  

In the budget for last year, there is 2.465.611 KM left because of a failed selection of the best tenderer for renovation of square in front of the Parliament building.

The gross salaries of employed in 2008. have been 6.405.478 KM. Out of that, for net salaries there has been paid 3.942.772 KM, 230.412 for taxes on salaries, and 2.232.294 KM for contributions.

Separated life

The gross remunerations of employed and representatives in 2008. have been 2.230.135 KM. That money, besides others, has been spent for remunerations for transport (116.726) and accommodations of the officials (128.748 KM).  

Separated life of employed in the Parliament has cost in last year 106.020 KM, remunerations for allowance 387.974, and regress for vacation 106.231 KM.

42.200 has been allocated for dismissal wage, and 44.029 KM for assistance in case of death or worse disability. For using the personal vehicle, there have been paid 105.706, remunerations to representatives 543.479, with taxes paid on them (206.528) and contributions (95.925 KM).