Dnevni list: The House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH has yesterday adopted the Proposal changes and amendments of budget of the FBiH for 2009., the Proposal law on changes and amendments to the Law on debt, indebtedness and warranties in the FBiH. Mentioned proposal changes and amendments of federal budget for 2009. imply the increase of budget for 305 million, so that it is 1.906.373.386 KM. Remaining two accepted proposals are important because of the priority of defining of paying off the budget obligations from 2008.

These proposals have been adopted even though the clubs of DNZ and SDP have thought that the Government of the Federation in its report has not transparently stated lots for which the funds will be allocated.  

The Federal Minister of Finance, Vjekoslav Bevanda has said that it is about an intended change of budget into which it is being tended to locate the unpaid obligations from last year.

"By the adoption of this proposal we put and end to 2008. Now it is important what to do for the next one. The Government is doing a rebalance of budget for 2009. and such measure we would have to adopt until we finish that. Goal of the rebalance is to harmonize the expenditure side with the realistic revenues", Bevanda has said.

He has expressed belief that all the obligations from 2008., according to savers, agriculture, and for the road infrastructure, education, health care and other lots, will be solved by the end of this month.