Nezavisne novine: Computer equipment of schools in the RS is currently not satisfactory, has been claimed in these education institutions, and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the RS as well.

From the Ministry they say that they constantly invest in computer equipping of schools, but they still need more computers for students. In elementary and high schools they have said that the computers they already have are old and need to be replaced by the new ones. In the high school in Čelinac, because of the lack of computers, students use writing machines.

Milivoje Pavlović, director of this school, in which there are also economic technicians, has said that they only have several computers, but need much more.  

"We survive however we know in order to ensure the computers to our students, and for some subjects economic technicians use their own writing machines, which they bring from home", Pavlović has said.

Electronic registry

In the Ministry of Education and Culture of the RS they have said in the frame of the project of computerization of elementary and high schools there will be introduced an electronic registry. "The Banja Luka Company 'Lanako' has ensured the free software for this project worth 600.000 KM, and electronic registry is in a use in the Elementary school Ivo Andrić from Banja Luka", has been said in Ministry. Electronic registry could soon be imposed in the Center of high schools of Trebinje, Gymnasium Banja Luka, Elementary school "Petar Petrović Njegoš" Srebrenica, Elementary school "Drinić" from Drinići and the Regional school "Podgrab -Pale" – belongs to the Elementary school "Pale". The goal of electronic registry is to ensure a permanent contact of all partners in education – schools, students, parents and ministries and it will be a database for the Ministry.

According to him, they have ensured for their students a closet in which they can leave their writing machines, so they do not have to bring them from home all the time.

Slavojka Čovičković, deputy director in the Elementary school "Sveti Sava" in Kotor Varoš, has said that they do not have a sufficient number of computers, and that it is too old what they already got.

Jadranka Božić, director of the Elementary school "Branko Radičević" from Banja Luka, and Miodrag Živanović, deputy director of the Elementary school "Jovan Dučić" in Bijeljina, have said that these schools have an optimal number of computers, but they have as well, got too old and should be replaced.

Miloš Francuz, director of the Elementary school "Danilo Borković" in Gradiška, has said that their computers are old as well.

Cvijetin Panić, director of the Economic and Market school in Doboj, has said that they have several computers, but they miss financial funds to get more and make classes of informatics easier for students. 

Fatima Kararić, director of Gymnasium in Prijedor, has said that they have an equipped cabinet with computers, but they do not have possibilities to divide the classes into groups in order to attain the knowledge in a more qualitative way.

"We have one cabinet in which there is an organized session of informatics, but because of the lack of places and computers, big numbers of students attend the session together", Kararić has said.

One of the better equipped schools is the Electro-technical school in Banja Luka. Vojislav Popović, director of this school, has said that they have four equipped cabinets in which the students get a qualitative informatics lecture.  

"We have a possibility to replace the computers each several years, by leaving the old computers in the other cabinets", Popović has said.

In order to improve the computer equipment of schools, from the departmental ministry they announce initiating the actions with computer companies in the RS, so they can donate computers to those schools which need them the most.

"Project and actions with computer companies will last until achievement of final goal – that each student has an access to the Internet, in dependence of number of students each school will receive a certain number of computer cabinets", has been said in the Ministry of Education and Culture of the RS.

For the project of computerization of elementary and high schools under the name "Internet in all schools" the Ministry has planned to allocate 1.100.000 KM from the Developmental program.