Oslobođenje: At the yesterday's session, the Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the packet of measures for moderating the impact of the global economic crisis on economy of our country, which will be deliberated by the Fiscal Council of BiH. Packet of 16 measures from the competency of the Council of Ministers is directed to preserving of stability of banking sector, moderating of consequences of crisis on economy and engaging of all available public funds in accordance to the laws.

Reduction of public spending

The deputy chairman of the Commission for budget and finances of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of BiH, Lazar Prodanović has said that it is necessary for the Council of Ministers to determine the measures for reduction of public expenditures as well, as well as necessity of subvention of employment, or avoiding the loss of working positions. He also thinks that important are the measures related to the assistance to the "low-accumulative" branches of economy as are the wood and metal industry, as well as the textile and shoe industries.

Hope in the IPA

The packet of measures, besides others, relates to increasing the height of insured deposits on 50.000 KM and increasing the liquidity of banks by engaging the additional free budget funds, and adopting the law on accises, by whose application the additional funds are being ensured for the budgets of entities.

There has also been stipulated the introduction of special toll in the amount of 0.10 KM/L of derivates of fuel oil through the Law on accises and other laws from the area of indirect taxation. Also, as it has been concluded by the Council of Ministers, the process of implementation of the IPA projects for 2007. and 2008. will be quickened, especially for 2009., because in the planned projects for this year are also the projects of support for building the infrastructure and stimulation to the small and middle companies in the amount of 40 million Euros.

The deputy chairman of the Commission for budget and finances of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of BiH, Lazar Prodanović has said that the decision of the Council of Ministers is a positive thing, and that the stipulated measures have come on time.

– How big will be the impact of economic crisis in BiH depends mostly on how much such situation will reflect itself on the biggest foreign/trade partners of our country: Germany, Italy, Croatia and Serbia, has been said by Prodanović.

Integral space

The General Secretary of the Council of Ministers, Zvonimir Kutleša has said that at the session of the state Government there has been concluded that the adopted measured have come on time, and they encompass what the state level is competent for.

The Ministry of external market, agencies and other authorities responsible for creating a better business ambient by changes and by adapting the law regulations by which the integral economic space is being advanced and a business ambient improved.