Dnevni list: The Fiscal Council of BiH will today held a session in Banja Luka, which will be attended by the governor of the Central bank of BiH,  Kemal Kozarić, who will express his vision of taking a move at the level of state in moderating the world economic crisis, which more and more takes over our country as well. In conversation for Dnevni list governor has shared with us some of his visions which will be proposed by the Central bank of BiH, and which are related to solving of crisis at the level of country.

Banking system must remain stable

“It is a priority for us that a banking system remains stable, as well as financial sector as a whole, not to change a monetary policy and to stay on the same currency. What will be accepted by the Fiscal Council – it is up to them, and I would not talk in detail about it”, Kozarić has said. He is aware that the economists and citizens complain that it is almost impossible come to the credit even though in the hardest moments they were the ones which helped our banks, as well as the Central bank, but he says that the first wave of crisis has been survived thanks to that assistance and that such trust should be mutual.  

“They need to find a way to continue crediting of economy and citizens, especially the producers and exporters”, has been said by Kozarić. He has announced good news that the bankers will soon reduce the interest rates on credits. He asks banks to be more flexible regardless the fact that forming of interest rates is free, but to help the economy and citizens by reducing them.  

Economic measures at the level of state   

The Central bank has been warning on the indirect consequences of the world economic crisis which will take over our country. Even though BiH is not a member of the EU, we are still a part of Europe and the global world events cannot pass by our country. Entity governments have started with certain measures and we will see if those measures will be successful and if they will have short-term effects.

“I think it is better for us to agree to solve this at the level of state, and the Council of Ministers of BiH should play a main role in it and the joint measures which go with both entities must be adopted. We see how other countries in the world make huge efforts to help the economy, so we must do the same”, Kozarić has suggested. Governor of the Central bank of BiH, Kozarić has said to us that the consortium of banks has offered a packet of 200 million KM to the Federal Government. “It is about a short-term funds, but it is better that those funds get placed than remain in the Central bank”, Kemal Kozarić has concluded.