Dnevni avaz: The civil servants, who work in the institutions of BiH, could soon be exempted from the entity laws on the income tax, has been said for "Avaz" by Deputy Minister of Finance of BiH, Fuad Kasumović, who has yesterday held a meeting with the representatives of the ministries of finance of the FBiH and the RS, the Audit office of BiH, the OHR and the USAID.
Namely, according to the previous regulations, the employed in the state institutions with the residence in the FBiH receive up to several hundreds KM smaller salary than their colleagues from the RS, even though they have the same work position, because the entity laws are very different.
According to the law from the smaller BiH entity, the tax is being paid by the employer, while in the FBiH ten percents on the net amount.
– The quickest solution would be the exemption of 22.000 civil servants from the Law on Income Tax. For them, there would be determined the rules according to which they would be paying those taxes in the entity funds. Now, these conclusions from this meeting should be immediately sent to the entity parliaments – our interlocutor has said.