Dnevni avaz: Bosnia and Herzegovina will receive 40 million Euros of the intervention assistance of the European Commission for overcoming the consequences of financial and economic crisis, has been said yesterday for "Dnevni avaz" by Dimitris Kourkoulas, head of the European Commission Delegation in Sarajevo.
He has denied the information which has been said yesterday by Beriz Belkić, member of the Parliament of BiH, that BiH will be outflanked in distribution of money allocated by the EU for the assistance to the countries which are not the members.
– It is not correct that BiH will be exempted. I do not know where Belkić has got such information, because BiH will surely receive up to 40 million Euros. We are in the phase of intensive conversations with the governments of BiH in order to complete all the procedures –Kourkoulas has said.
He explains that the incorrect information could have come because the media has been talking that Brussels will assist some countries by injecting the additional money into the budgets. The direct assistance for budget, Kourkoulas says, is not a good option for BiH, because it is not totally sure in which purposes that money could go to.
– We expect that the decisions and procedures will be finished in the next period, in order for money to be placed from the autumn this year. It will be spent in the infrastructural projects and support to the small and middle companies, and by the standards of the IPA funds – has been concluded by the chief of the European Commission Delegation.