Dnevni list: Last several months, or since the beginning of the world economic crisis, around 9000 workers in the Federation have been left without job, has been confirmed from the cantonal employment services.
As it has been agreed in all ten cantonal services, it is pity that the tendency of growth of unemployed increases, and that only in January this year, according to their data, 4471 workers in Federation have been left without job.
Exceptional situation in Tuzla
Hard situation in Tuzlanski canton was yesterday discussed by the Tuzla Municipal board of the Socio-Democratic Party of BiH, from which they say that it is shocking that 1273 workers got dismissed from 28 companies. “If we add to it a very hard situation in Aida, where 900 workers are employed, in Livnica čelika, TTU, Koksara and other companies, then the Government should additionally be worried, especially because there are no programs or measures to at least moderate the actual situation”, has been said from the SDP Tuzla, by calling on the Government to introduce the exceptional measures for moderating the current condition. We also add the data from the Employment service of Tuzlanski canton, which says that Giprom has dismissed 99, Ciporekst 139, Rudar 90, Konjuh 73 and Širbegović 67 workers.
In the last three months of 2008., according to data of cantonal services, more than 4500 persons have lost their jobs. The worst have been hit the Zeničko-dobojski, Tuzlanski and Unsko-sanski canton. According to spokesperson of the Employment service of Tuzlanski canton, 1000 persons have been left without job in that canton, while in December last year 430 persons have had the same problem. Director of the Employment service of the ZD canton, Nihad Pašalić has said that 1200 persons in that canton have lost their jobs, and it was mostly about the persons, who have worked in small companies.
“From October to December 2008., 2500 persons have lost jobs in our canton. In October 510 persons, in November 861, and 984 persons have lost their jobs in December. All of them have got dismissed by the basis of breaking the contract, bankruptcy or as technological or economic excess”, Pašalić has said.
In Unsko-Sanski canton employment has been reduced to 17%
The assistant director of the Employment service of the USC, Ramo Sulić has told us that in January 757 persons have lost jobs in that canton, out of which 531 in January and 226 in the first half of February. “Situation is not good at all. Percentage of employment in our canton is 17.39%, and 51.55% of the unemployment. What kind of situation we are in also explains the fact that in October, November and December last year 1360 persons have lost their jobs in our canton”, Sulić has said, by adding that it is mostly about the people from production branch, who posses middle professional qualification or those who are qualified or lower-qualified. The fact that these workers are mostly remaining without jobs influences the unrealistic picture of average salaries in the Federation, because the lower paid workers are losing their jobs, while the salaries are being calculated according to salaries of people with higher qualification, who are currently safe at the work positions.
1000 workers arrived from abroad
The announcements that a big number of our workers from abroad will be coming back to our country in the first months of this year, have been confirmed in Tuzlanski and Unsko-sanski canton. Only in Tuzla, in December of 2008. and January of 2009., 1000 persons have come back from work abroad. 125 workers have come back from Austria, 258 from Slovenia, 451 from Croatia, 81 from Serbia, 10 from Montenegro and so on. In the US canton they have also told us that there are such cases, but that in the next two months they expect the worst, or a bigger number of returns of workers from the abroad.
Herzegovina less hit by dismissals
In the Srednjo-bosanski canton, according to Stipe Mišković from their Employment service, 1025 new workers have been registered in January. Mišković also says that in their canton from October has been evidenced a growth of the unemployed, and it is mostly about the technological excess. According to data of the Bosansko-podrinjski canton, situation in that part of Federation is little more stable. Only 54 workers have been dismissed in January in that canton.
In the Hercegbosanski canton only 23 persons have remained without job, while in canton Sarajevo, by having in mind the number of companies, employed and citizens, the smaller number of dismissals has also been noticed. In January 264 persons have got dismissed in this canton, 424 persons in December, has been said by Marijana Ibišević, who is responsible for public relations of the Employment service of canton Sarajevo.
Situation in Herzegovina is also better than in Bosnia, so in the HN canton 120 persons have got dismissed in January, and less than ten persons in ZH canton.