Nezavisne novine: The Government of the RS and the World Bank want to continue the project "Guillotine of regulations", which has been successfully implemented in the RS, on local level as well.
This has been confirmed yesterday by Jasna Brkić, Minister for Economic Relations and Coordination of the RS, and Margo Tomas, manager for improvement of business environment for the South-East Europe in the International financial corporation of the World Bank, after the meeting in Banja Luka.
Brkić has also said that the Government and the World Bank after realization of the "Guillotine of regulations" are doing an estimation of the impact of new regulations on business environment in the RS.
"What we have received as a feedback during the presentation of measures for moderating the financial crisis is the improvement of business environment itself, which will attract the foreign investors and encourage the domestic ones to invest more", Brkić has said.
She has reminded that at the end of May the Memorandum on cooperation with the World Bank will expire, and has expressed the belief that it will come to signing the new one. Brkić has explained that the "Guillotine of regulations" will also be implemented on local level.
"Local communities have expressed a big interest to include themselves in improving of their formalities which aggravate the business environment", Brkić has said.
Tomas has said that BiH has made a big progress, but there is still some space for the improvement of business environment.
"It is clear that the Government prefers to continue the cooperation with us and that way readjust the concurrency. We hear from the companies where the expenditures and obstacles are relatively high. Those are things which will Government additionally deal with", she has said.
She has also added that the topic of conversation was how to build the capacities for better work and assurance of regulations which would be able to assist the better concurrency of the RS.
"In global, we have seen good results and hope that we will continue cooperation with the minister Jasna Brkić and her team", Tomas has said.
Brkić has explained that the Government of the RS has into its new Internal rules build in an obligation that all new regulations also receive the approval and opinion of its ministry if there are formalities which will aggravate, slow down and make the business more expensive.
"Where it has been determined this, that legal project will be canceled, or that formality will be not imposed", she has said.