Nezavisne novine: The tax payers and market inspectors of the RS will from Monday start the control of issuing the fiscal receipts by the tax payers, and the citizens who are obligated to take those receipts when buying, has been announced yesterday in the Tax Authority of the RS. Mile Banika, executive director of the TA of the RS, has especially appealed on citizens, who are obligated to take the fiscal receipts and keep them by themselves in a circle of 20 meters from the selling place.

"A lot of indiscipline has been noticed in practice when speaking of that issue, so we have decided to move to controls together with the Inspection. Penalties for the companies which do not issue the fiscal receipt, go between 2.000 and 15.000 KM, for the businessmen 500, and for citizens who have not had the receipt  50 KM", has been said by Banika.

He has said that 28.000 tax payers have been fiscalized in the RS by now, while the additional 2.000 have submitted the request for an introduction of the fiscal counters. That obligation, according to him, was not fulfilled by 9.511 active tax payers, while a deadline for fiscalization of 8.811 tax payers will expire on March 31st.

He also says that because of the non-introduction of the fiscal devices, the tax collectors have submitted violation notifications against 697 tax payers to whom a penalty of the total 486.000 KM has been sentenced. Also, the notifications against eight services, which have not respected the contracts on delivery and installation of fiscal counters, have been submitted. They have been penalized with the total of 7.500 KM.

Banika has expressed the satisfaction by the previous process of fiscalization, by stating that despite of many criticisms and disputes it has brought the results, among which it points out on uncovering of 297 tax payers, who will be transferred to the VAT system because of the high annual transaction.

"This will help the RS to receive a bigger coefficient by distribution of the indirect taxes from the unified account", Banika has pointed out.

He has also called on the tax payers, who achieve the right on reduced tax bases for last year by the basis of dependent members of family or paid interest rates on the residence credit, to submit by the end of March such request to the authorized regional unit of the Tax Administration. Right on reduction of tax basis by the basis of dependent members of family, which are considered as a spouse, children and parents, the tax payer achieves for alimenting the dependent members who do not earn an income, or whose profits on which the tax is being paid, are not higher than 3.000 KM per year.