Because of non-recycling of wrapping waste, BiH annually loses tenths of million KM of the additional revenues, and it also loses the possibility of hiring of several thousands of workers – has been warned today by the representatives of the non-governmental organization Centers of civil initiatives /CCI/.

The representatives of the CCI think that for the accumulation of hundreds of tons of wrapping waste, which is not being recycled, the most responsible are the departmental minister from the Republic of Srpska, Fatima Fetibegović and minister from the Federation of BiH, Nevenko Herceg.

In the Center they say that the departmental ministers, not even six years after the adoption of law, have not initiated the active policies of coordination of waste, nor have they enabled the initiation of recycling and funds for protection of the environment.

Coordinator of the CCI campaign “Očistite otpad” (Clean up the waste), Zoran Adžaip has at the press conference in Banjaluka said that the analyses have shown that last year 300 million pieces of plastic wrapping material or products wrapped in plastic material have been imported in BiH, which is over 250 million KM, by stating that the majority of that material becomes a communal waste.

“That the recycling is a possibility to finally clean up the town from the waste and opening of new work positions in our country, also speaks the data that in Germany 2.5% of employed are in ecologic labors, and 3% in the USA”, Adžaip has said.

He has reminded that the rulebook on managing the waste has not yet been adopted in the RS, even though there are no legal obstacles for it, which is different in the FBiH.

According to data of the CCI, Croatia annually earns around eight million KM by recycling, while in BiH there is not any kind of machine for recycling of wrapping material.

The CCI also warns that due to the fact that BiH did not establish the funds for protection of the environment, it annually does not use four million KM intended for work of those funds.

The representatives of the CCI have invited the departmental ministers to start to implement the legal regulations as soon as possible, to determine the rulebooks on managing the waste and establish the funds for protection of the environment, and to start to understand recycling as the possibility of profit, has been published by the portal