Dnevni avaz: If everything went as planned, the first biometric passports in BiH will be issued on 1st of July, has been confirmed yesterday by Sredoje Nović, State Minister of Civil Affairs, and Siniša Macan, director of the CIPS project.
Agency from next week
All the stories on biometric passports will not be possible unless the Council of Ministers shortly adopts the Internal rules of the Agency for identification documents, or unless it comes to the full establishment of this institution. Nović is sure that this will happen next week.
They have met with the chief of the European Commission Delegation in BiH, Dimitris Kourkoulas, all ministers of internal affairs in our country and the representatives of ministries of justice from the FBiH and ministries of local governance and self governance from the RS.
Nović has underlined that the price of new documents will be parallel to the one which BiH citizens today pay for issuing of passports or insignificantly higher. Thanks to the idea of electronic bonding of master offices in BiH, documents which have previously been submitted will not be required for issuing of new passports, except for and only a document with photograph.
The agreement on who will be the first one to receive the biometric passports still does not exist, but Nović has promised to the journalists that they will be among the first ones. Nović and Macan have said that electronic bonding of master offices fulfills the main condition for security, or disabling the false birth certificates and confirmations on citizenship.
Kourkoulas has praised the work of everyone in BiH who has been engaged on the introduction of biometric passports.