Dnevni list: After two months of pausing in work, the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH has yesterday adopted the proposal budget of the institutions and international obligations of BiH for 2009. in the amount of 1.416 billion KM. For financing of institutions 1.035 billion KM has been stipulated, while the rest will be spent for serving the external debt. The House of Representatives has earlier accepted the same proposal. For the return of refugees 35 million KM has bee allocated from the budget. Realization of those funds will go over the Fund for return.
Changes of the Law on Public Procurements have been adopted
The House of Peoples has yesterday adopted the Proposal Law on Changes of the Law on Public Procurements. As it has been explained, these changes imply simplifying of procedures, or an easement of work to those who deal with the public procurements. “It is about the changes of the existing law, but the complete new Law on Public Procurements has been sent to the parliamentary procedure, and now we can expect even more benefit from it”, Kasumović has said.
“In the Ministry of Finance we have wanted a much stronger budget for the state institutions, in order to be faster in progressing in some things. Meanwhile, political will was such that the budget which has been adopted was the same as the one in the House of Representatives”, has been said by the Deputy Minister of Finance of BiH, Fuad Kasumović. However, he has said that it is better that we have received such big budget, rather than we received the one bigger by 100 million in a month, because then we would not be able to realize the funds.
Around two million KM has been allocated for decorating the building of joint institutions. Let us remind ourselves that this is about the proposal which has arrived from the Presidency of BiH, but it has been reduced by about 200 million KM. The most complaints there were from the representatives of the Party for BiH and the Socio Democratic Party BiH.
The Proposal Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Protection of Secret Data, and the Proposal Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Intelligence-Security Agency of BiH have also been found yesterday at the session of the House. It has not been deliberated about them until concluding of this number of Dnevni list, nor has it been deliberated about the Proposal Law on Minor Committers of Crimes and Punitive-Legal Protection of Children and Minors.