The fourth year Belgium has been the most globalized country of the world, and Bosnia and Herzegovina takes 43rd place, has been published by the Swiss economic institute KOF from Zurich, which traditionally each year calculates the index of globalization of countries.
In its researches the KOF measures the stage of economic, social and political globalization. Behind Belgium follow Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Canada and Luxemburg, and the first ten are being circled by Hungary.
From countries of the region of former Yugoslavia, the best ranged is Slovenia at 20th place. After that follow Croatia at 25th place, while Macedonia takes 89th place, far behind BiH. Serbia and Montenegro are not even on the list of 158 countries which is being concluded by Nepal, Bangladesh, Sudan, Tajikistan, Middle-African Republic, Ruanda, Niger, Burundi, DR Congo and Myanmar.
The economic globalization implies the flow of money, capital and transactions. Social globalization refers to outspread of ideas, information and interactions with people from other countries, and political dimension relates to fitting into international policy. BiH has achieved the best result in economic globalization (47th place), and the worst in political (72nd place). According to social globalization, BiH takes 59th position, reports portal e-kapija.