Dnevni avaz: The Administrative commissions of the Parliament and the Government of the FBiH have yesterday adopted the decision on increasing the salaries of the representatives of the highest legislative government in bigger entity.
According to explanation of our source, who has been present at the session, salaries of parliamentarians will be calculated in the following way.
By now, the basis has been around 468 KM, but the commissions have decreased it by 20%, to 375 KM. At the same time, the coefficients for salaries have been increased to seven for delegates and eight for chairmen of the Houses and prime minister of the FBiH Government – our source has said.
Jusufović: Our salaries are still smaller
Munib Jusufović, chairman of the Club of the Party for BiH, has pointed out that salaries of the federal parliamentarians when relating them to their colleagues in the State Parliament are significantly smaller by about 1.800 KM, and in the RS by about 900 KM.
"My salary is now increased by some 900 KM in relation to the previous personal income, but I do not know how it is by the rest of my colleagues" Jusufović has said.
When you multiply 375 KM by seven, it comes that the starting salary of delegates is 2.625 KM, which is by 1.125 KM more from the previous one. Also, the flat rate has been increased from the previous 500 KM to 700 KM, and it shows that the parliamentarians themselves have increased their salaries by 1.325 KM. The remunerations of 500 KM for separated life have not been calculated into this sum, nor have 300 to 1.200 KM of neither remunerations for visiting the families over the weekend, nor the remunerations for work in commissions. We have asked yesterday the chairmen of clubs if they are ashamed of having increase their total incomes, since the salaries in smaller BiH entity in state institutions have been reduced by 10%.
"The fact is that our salaries in relation to the ones of our colleagues in the cantonal and the Assembly of BiH are minimal. I think that the salaries in this branch should be equalized. It is true that the salaries in the RS have been reduced by 10%, but before that they have been increased a lot" has been said by Mate Franjičević, chairman of the Club of the Croatian Democratic Community.
Ibrahim Nadarević, chairman of the Club of the Socio Democratic Action and chairman of the Administrative commission in the House of Representatives, think that this law is only one of the regulations which regulate the salaries and remunerations in BiH.
"We have confirmed the unified basis for all the government authorities, which is 60% of an average salary, but for the selected officials it has been reduced by 20%. But, I do not know how high our salaries will be, because I am not really introduced into the statistic data. I know that the basic salary of one delegate is approximately around 2.500 KM" Nadarević has said.