Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH will re-impose paying the remunerations for members of the commissions, management and supervisory boards formed by the Institutions of BiH.
This has been confirmed by the chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić and the Deputy Minister of Justice of BiH, Srđan Arnaut.
"We have had imposed a total reconstruction of paying the remunerations. But now we have a problem with finding an expert for work in certain commissions. We will re-impose paying the remunerations, but we will limit the sum which can be earned this way", Špirić has said by reminding that the employed of the state institutions have been earning their two salaries per months as members of the commission.
In the Draft decision by criterions for confirming the remunerations will limit the sum which can be received by members of these authorities or a number of commissions and boards into which they can be nominated.
"The idea is to limit the sum of remuneration or the number of commissions and boards in which some person can be a member. We have proposed that a monthly remuneration for membership cannot be higher than two average salaries in Bosnia and Herzegovina", Arnaut has explained. The Ministry of Justice of BiH has prepared the Draft of this decision, but the Council of Ministers, after deliberation, has asked for the additional precisions and has returned it to the final processing.
In the draft version of this decision has been précised that the institutions which nominate their representatives into the management, supervisory boards and commissions, will overtake the obligation of paying the remuneration for membership.
The Council of Ministers of BiH has more than a year ago abolished the payment of remunerations for membership in commissions and boards.