Nezavisne novine: The Parliamentary Commission for finance and budget has yesterday adopted the amendments by which the total budget of BiH is being reduced by 200 million KM, with an increase of the allocations for return of 35 million KM.
By a majority of votes the Commission has accepted the amendments which have been agreed by the Ministry of Finance of BiH and members of the Party of Democratic Action, the Party of Independent Socio Democrats, and the Croatian Democratic Coalition of BiH.
"By the agreed amendments the budget returns to the frames agreed in the Fiscal Council of BiH. By an internal redistribution, or by the reduction of allocations for salaries and material expenditures ensures", has been said by Dragan Vrankić, Minister of Finance and Treasury of BiH.
The Proposal budget, which will be deliberated next Wednesday by the House of Representatives of the Parliament of BiH, is around 1.4 billion KM. The Presidency of BiH has proposed the budget of about 1.6 billion KM, and the delegates have refused all increases which have been approved by the Presidency of BiH in relation to the draft of the Council of Ministers of BiH.
"We have had an easy majority in the commission whose six out of eight members have voted for the agreed amendments. This makes me sure that the next week we will adopt the budget of BiH", has been said by Lazar Prodanović, deputy chairman of the Commission for finances and budget of the Parliament of BiH.
The Commission has not accepted the demands of members of the Socio Democratic Party on the reduction of salaries in all the state institutions by 130 million KM and a distribution of that money for the assistance to the economy and capital investments. Refused has also been the proposal of Jerko Ivanković-Lijanović for the allocation of 500 million KM for encouraging the agriculture.
"To the parties signatories of the Prud agreement it is obvious that this little paper is more important than the proposal of the Presidency of BiH. That is why they have proposed a return of the budget to the frames agreed in the Fiscal Council. We are for the proposal of the Presidency of BiH", has been said by Sadik Bahtić, chairman of this commission and a member of the Party for BiH.