Oslobođenje: Members of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of BiH have at the last night's session with 23 votes for, 7 against and 4 reserved adopted the principles of the proposal budget of the state institutions and the international obligations for 2009. During the session, "breaking" of the sum of the budget of 200 million KM adopted by the Presidency of BiH in relation to the confirmed proposal of the Fiscal Council of BiH, has been problematic again. Namely, the Presidency of BiH has proposed the budget of 1.255.589.000 KM. It has come to the significant "breaking" because of the fact that the joint chief of the state had a preference to separate 97 million KM for the return. The representatives from the RS are against this sum because they think that the increase of the budget must be on the level of the one prescribed by the Fiscal Council.
The Minstar of Finance and Treasury of BiH, Dragan Vrankić has said that 102 million KM have been left unused from 2008. and they will enter the new budget.
– Almost 90% of the budget has been related to the salaries and material expenditures and it has come to an increase of that lot by 25 to 30%, and much less on the capital expenditures and programs. Big lot of 30 million has been related to the rentals, out of which 15 million has been separated directly for paying the rents, which is inadmissibly a big sum – Vrankić has said.
The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić has expressed the hope that the Parliament of BiH will adopt the budget by the end of the year, because of which the Council of Ministers did not bring the decision on the interim financing. After not adopting of the budget, an urgent session of the Council of Ministers has been expected, in order not to paralyze the work of the state institutions. Špirić has announced that the session is even possible to happen on December 31st, if the budget does not get adopted by then. It is obvious that the members have not listen to the appeal of the leading man of the state Government to which the yesterday's session, however, will not be the last one in 2008., as they have announced.