Nezavisne novine: Each citizen in the RS will soon have the possibility to get a birth certificate and a certification on citizenship in any municipality of the RS, regardless of the place of birth.
This has been announced yesterday by Zoran Lipovac, Minister of Local Governance and Self governance of the RS, by adding that this is the first phase of the project related to the master books, which should be realized by this Ministry in 2009.
"In the upcoming year the realization of this project which will surely help a big number of citizens, has been planned. Second phase of project is delivery of those confirmations by an electronic way to the request of client, and the third is that the authority which issues this certification automatically delivers it to the institution to which it has been intended", Lipovac has explained.
He has said that the draft of the strategy of the local self governance of the RS has been planned, which as a goal has to define the self governance as a basic wedge of development, in which the citizens will be in the focus.