The Ministry of Security of BiH will from January 1st activate a special e-mail address fir the assistance to BiH citizens by issuing their visas, has been announced today from this Ministry.
One of the basic goals of the Agreement on easements by issuing of visas between BiH and the EU, which has been inuring from January 1st, 2008., is related to easements of issuing visas to the citizens of BiH, who want to travel to the countries of the EU and creating conditions for a stable development of business, cultural, scientific, humanitarian and other relations between the countries members of the EU and BiH.
The Ministry of Security of BiH will from January 1st, 2009. on its website www.msb.gov.ba activate a special e-mail address komentari@msb.gov.ba.
This e-mail address is protected from spam robots, is not visible if you have turned off a JavaScript, by which the citizens will be asking the questions, and express their experiences, complaints and comments related to the procedures of issuing visas in the embassies of the countries members of the EU which operate in BiH.
The Ministry invites the citizens of BiH to use this address and receive the answers to their questions, and express their complaints or comments related to issuing visas in the embassies of the countries members of the EU which operate in BiH, in order to remove eventual inaccuracies and obstacles, has been notified by the press agency Fena, and reported by a portal svevijesti.ba.