Dnevni list: The Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs in cooperation with the cantonal inspectors have in November issued 6436 of violation dictates and penalties in height of even 5,412.266 KM, has been confirmed by director of the Administration, Ibrahim Tirak. The best results have been recorded in the work of market inspection, which has in less than a month issued 3042 penalties from the area of market, catering and trade. It is important to point out that in this area more than four hundreds of inspection checks have been done, and 3042 violations of law have been evidenced, which means that only1000 employers have been acting in accordance with the law. For all irregularities the penalties have been sentenced in a total height of 2,928.870 KM. Besides the sentenced violation penalties, the inspectors have temporarily put out of traffic the products and commodities with informal declaration in value of 190.480 KM.
Most unregistered workers from Herzegovina
By the inspection supervision 691 unregistered employed persons have been found, and on that basis 1842 violation dictates have been issued, and the financial realization sums 1,861.900KM.
“Much smaller number of persons engaged on work by the subjects of supervision in contrary to the law, have been found, and the discipline of paying the salaries and contribution is on a higher level than it has been determined in earlier controls. Especially significant is the positive relation of public towards the implemented activities and an active participation in uncovering and notifying of employers by whom the unregistered workers have been engaged”, we have been told from the Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs. The biggest number of unregistered workers has been found in the Hercegovačko-Neretvanski canton – 213, and in the canton Sarajevo – 143. The traffic inspection has in November issued 563 violation dictates, while 40 unregistered workers have been found in traffic.
“By the control of vehicles and possessing of valid certifications on fulfilling the technical-exploitative conditions for vehicles, it has been recorded that the stations of technical check are issuing the confirmations on correctness and accoutrement of vehicles for exploitation in contrary to the regulations of the law”, we have been told from the traffic inspection, by adding that the inspectors have confirmed that certain stations have in an illegal way done their supervision of work, and that the violation dictates have been issued against them.
Hospitals in the HN canton do not have required documentation
Observations of the inspections of the sanitary-health-pharmaceutical inspectorate are that in the implemented supervisions besides the issued violation dictates, the condition in the areas of competences of this inspectorate is improving itself, especially in private practice.
“Problems in the public health care institutions of the primary and tertiary level are still present in a sense of fulfilling the formal-legal conditions. Documentation is not complete or it has been outdated, or it never responded to the demands of the subjects of supervision of the ministries of health care. So the stated institutions do not posses the certifications in a sense of the residence, stuff and medical-technical equipment”, stands in the report of the inspection. These conclusions relate to the Hercegovačko-Neretvanski and Tuzlanski canton, and in that sense the departmental inspectorate has issued the solutions for those institutions to harmonize or obtain the certifications in a dictated deadline.