Nezavisne novine: By realization of the adopted strategy of electronic government citizens in the RS will from 2012. by using their computers be able to come to the required documents, access the land registry, virtual libraries, communicate with their doctors, pay taxes…
This has yesterday been said by Krsto Grujić, Deputy General Secretary of the Government of the RS for information technologies.
Grujić has said that the realization of the strategy besides the stated capabilities will also bring many other benefits for citizens, and that the Government will become more approachable to the citizens.
He could not say which segment from the electronic government will first start with implementation, by adding that this will determine the action plan, which will after public discussion be brought 90 days after. Grujić has said that the basic parts of this project are development of e-administration, e-business, e-jurisdiction, e-health care and e-education.
"Citizens will not have to wait in lines for a birth certificate, to make a doctor appointment or pay a tax", Grujić has said, by adding that the introduction of the e-government will not mean the abolishment of classic inquiry desks, so the citizens will be able to choose in what way they want to do this.
According to him, in order to establish this project, it is required to make a qualitative network structure and continue with the education of the employed on all levels of civil service. Srđan Rajčević, director of the Information Society Agency of the RS, says that only after bringing the action plan they will know how much will this project cost and by which sequence they will go in implementation of the strategy.
He has said that bringing of the action plan is of a big significance because otherwise the strategy could transform into the list of wishes.