Dnevni avaz: The tax on income, which will from January 1st be paid in the Federation of BiH, will not bypass those who are not in a permanent work relation, and who are receiving remunerations, meaning who work on the basis of contract.
– The gross remuneration will firstly be reduced by 4% of contribution, the rate of tax of 10% will be applied on that basis, and the rest will be paid to the receiver. The additional 6% of contribution for pension and health care insurance goes to the burden of payer. This is a principle of calculating of so called temporary independent businesses. Such case is with the delegates who receive a flat-rate, who are not professionals – explains Hajrudin Hadžimehanović, Deputy Federal Minister of Finance for Fiscal and Tax Policy.
Since many of the freelancers are not informed on way on which the tax will be deducted to them, will they themselves pay the money to the tax administrations or this will be done by their employers, we asked our interlocutor for an explanation:
– If someone is temporarily engaged, payments of contribution, tax and additional contribution for pension and health care insurance will be done by a payer with the form on incomes on the basis of contract.