Dnevni avaz: After Gavrilo Grahovac, Deputy Prime Minister of the FBiH has confirmed that the decision on reducing the salaries in administration in the FBiH by 20% has been adopted, an expected reaction of Salih Kruščica, chairman of the Union of civil servants and authorities of administration, judicial government and public institutions in the FBiH, has followed.
Economic crisis
– We still have not received the official information from the FBiH. We have read about it in press. But, this cannot happen without negotiations with our union. The Government can bring such decision, but it is sure that it will then face big problems – Kruščica has said.
He reminds that the reduction of salaries in administration is not realistic, while from the other side, parliamentarians get bigger salaries.
– I agree with the idea that we all equally overcome financial crisis, but not with the fact that all of that goes over the back of only one category. We will not allow this and we will legally fight against it. If needed, we will organize a strike as well, and submit a complaint against the Government of the FBiH.
I agree that a public administration reform is required, but I repeat, without reducing our salaries – Kruščica explains.
The chairman of the Union repeats that there is an agreement with the Government of the FBiH that the salaries in administration, which currently has between 6.000 and 7.000 of employed, will not be reduced and that a recommendation of the Fiscal Council is that the public expenditure in 2009 remains on this year's level.
Unified basis
– The only solution is a public administration reform, but the situation must be previously recorded, and made an analysis if there is an excess of the employed. Our salaries are not high; they fit the condition in which the FBiH is. Also, salaries of civil servants are not the same in all cantons. So, we insist on the unified basis – the chairman of the Union has explained.
Government has the agreement
Even thought in the Union of civil servants and authorities of administration, judicial government and public institutions in the FBiH they claim that there is not any official document which confirms that the salaries in administration will be reduced, our source from the Government of the FBiH claims different.
– The Government has adopted the document which has been signed by all social partners, and in which it has been said that the salaries in administration will be reduced by 20%. Also, there is no a document signed by the Fiscal Council that the salaries in public administration will remain on this year's level – our source claims.