Nezavisne novine:  The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska has at the yesterday's session adopted the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Violations by which the financial penalties for legal and physical persons are significantly increasing, and the previous highest maximal penalty of 50.000 KM has been increased to 200.000 KM.

The Ministry of Justice of the RS has previously proposed a smaller increase of the violation penalties, but it has accepted the amendments of the Party of Independent Social Democrats who have sharpened them in a large measure.

Perica Rajičević, member of the Party of Independent Social Democrats, has said that the goal of the increase of violation penalties, beside others, is to make sure that some financial institutions get adequately penalized.

He explained that maximal penalties of 200.000 KM are related to financial violations of the broker houses, banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions.

"If on one side we have powerful financial houses, the question is does the penalty of 10.000 KM represents the prevention of violations", Rajičević has said.

According to the new Law, citizens will instead of the previous 1.500 KM pay 10.000 KM for legal violations they have done, while the responsible persons will have to pay up to 20.000 KM, and the companies up to 200.000 KM.

Increased have also been the penalties for violation prescribed by a decision or regulation of the Government, the assemblies of cities and municipalities, and for legal persons they are no longer 1.000, but 3.000 KM, and for responsible persons instead of the previous 1.800, they will now be 5.000, and for legal person instead of 7.000, it will be 10.000 KM.

Petar Đokić, from the Socialist Party, has said that this proposal of penalties is too high, and it does not have the intention to stop those who do the violations, and that it was supposed to be related to the realistic situation of society in which it stands.

The delegates have yesterday also adopted the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Achieving of Rights on Remuneration of Material and Nonmaterial Damage in a period of the war operations from the 20th of May, 1992 to the 19th of June, 1996, by which this right is also being extended to the families of persons who have disappeared during the war.