Dnevni avaz: Because of the shortness of time for collecting of documentation required for tax applications, and different elks by the employers and taxation administrations, many citizens of the FBiH are confused and still do not know what they need in order to receive by January 1st their tax cards required for achieving of the benefits by future taxing of their salaries.

Contradictive information which are at their disposal, could freely find their place in the known humoristic show "Lud, zbunjen, normalan" (Crazy, confused, normal).

Special dissatisfaction irritates the fact that in many companies it has been determined that the documents cannot be older than six months. Meanwhile, Hajrudin Hadžimehanović, Deputy Federal Minister for Finance in the Sector for the fiscal and tax policy, for "Dnevni avaz" claims that this is absolutely not needed, because by the appropriate rulebook it has been determined that the documents can be older than six months.

Many questions

Many readers have contacted our redaction with different doubts and questions how to get to the benefits for depending brother or sister, illegitimate child, for what it is needed the confirmation on education for children of elementary school, while it is being known that the legal obligation that each child goes to school, which parent will have a benefit in divorced marriages…  

– This is an official information. For the children younger than 15, who are attending the elementary school, the confirmation from the school is not needed, only a birth certificate which can be from 2000, 2001. It does not have to be the new one. To those who aliment their brother or sister, their personal deduction is not being approved. When speaking of divorced marriages, a parent who pays the alimentation, has the right on deduction, and another partner as well, if the alimentation is not higher than 300 KM. However, the deduction cannot be used doubly – Hadžimehanović explains.     

Different information

The Centers of Civil Initiatives (CCI) are also informed about the problems related to documentation for the tax card. They assume that the employers who ask for a new documentation probably have not seen the recommendation of the Ministry of Finance of the FBiH, that they receive the documents older than six months as well.  Also, in the CCI they say that the confusion is also being brought by the local taxation administrations.

– The biggest omission is a lack of communication between the Ministries and the tax administrations, and the employers as well, because the Ministry has not adequately and in time informed the employers on complete process of submitting the requests for issuing of the tax card – has been stated for our paper by Dalida Muhović, financial director of the CCI.

Deduction for illegitimate children

– Our law approves the illegitimate community of a man and a woman. It could happen that a partner does not aliment another partner, and for the deduction to be achieved, partners must be together for at least three years. When speaking of the deduction for a child, it can be achieved if the child lives in such community for at least one year – Hadžimehanović explains.