Nezavisne novine: One of the most important programs of the European Union, for which can participate the companies, research institutions, faculties, municipalities and all related to the field of research and innovations is the „Seventh framework program for research and development“, where for BiH 54 billion Euros for seven years stands at disposal.

This has yesterday been announced by Mojca Dušica Zajc, leader of the PR&CO, advisory company for creation of the EU projects, while presenting the School of practical preparation of projects for nonreturnable funds of the EU, which will be held next year in Banja Luka.

„The School of practical preparation of projects for nonreturnable funds of the EU will last from February 4th until the mid May 2009. It will totally train the participants how to apply for nonrefundable funds from the EU“, Zajc has said.

She has said that besides the stated fund, BiH at its disposal has the Fund for stipends, and the Fund for University programs, the Tempus program and program „Youth in actions“.

„This is only five programs of the total 30 for which BiH can apply if it would pay the membership, which can be from several thousands to several hundreds of thousands Euros for the each program“, Zajc has said.

She has pointed out that while preparing the project it is very important to explain what interest from it does the European Union have in order to finance it, and what interest from the project has the submitter of project.

Josipa Terzić, coordinator of the School of practical preparation of projects for nonrefundable funds of the EU, has said that the participants will during this school have a chance to learn all about the funds of the European Union, and in what way to do their projects.