Dnevni list: BiH will by the end of this year probably receive the budget, which will be similar to the one proposed by the Council of Ministers, or which is in accordance with recommendations of the Fiscal council. Even though the proposal budget redone by the Presidency of BiH will be sent for adoption to the Parliament, there is no chance that it will be adopted in that form.

That proposal, which has been increased by 200 million, will in the Parliament through amendments be returned to the amount proposed by the Council of Ministers.

“The proposal of the CoM has been increased by 21 million KM, but we can tolerate it. We still accept the pre-division of funds inside the budget, but not its increase in relation to recommendations of the Fiscal council”, has been said for Dnevni list by the representative of the Union of Independent Social Democrats, Lazar Prodanović.

According to him, allegations of two members of the Presidency that by this increase they want to enable the work of the state institutions and a faster return of refugees – are a real burlesque, and the right goal is destabilization of BiH. “The Ministry for Refugees and Displaced Persons has this year realized only 11% of the budget, and for the next year the new 100 million KM is planned to be assigned to it”, Prodanović has said.

The representative of the Croatian Democratic Party of BiH, Slavko Matić has said that he is personally ready to support the proposal of the Council of Ministers. According to him, the Presidency has ignored the recommendations of the Fiscal council, and it has proposed the budget for which it has been known that it cannot be accepted.