Nezavisne novine:  The Presidency of BiH has yesterday by division adopted the Proposal budget of the Institutions of BiH for 2009, which has been increased by 200 million KM in relation to the draft offered by the Council of Ministers with the amount of 1.43 billion KM.

This has been announced after an urgent session of the Presidency of BiH, where the adoption of the Proposal budget of the Institutions of BiH and the international obligations of BiH for 2009, was the only item of the agenda. The Proposal budget of 1.63 billion KM the Presidency will send to the adoption to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

Delegates divided

Dušanka Majkić, delegate in the House of Peoples and a member of the Commission for budget and finance, says that Silajdžić has irrationalized the work of the Fiscal council and endangered functioning of the state by the overflowing increase of the budget.

"It does not wonder that this is being done by Željko Komšić from the opposition, but Silajdžić is trying to ruin everything on what the agreement gets reached. Serbian delegates will not support such overflowing budget, which endangers macro-economic stability of the country", has been said by Majkić. Velimir Jukić, delegate in the House of Representatives and vice chairman of the Commission for budget and finances, thinks that it is not good that the budget has been adopted by division.

"I am not sure in what measure this increase is realistic, regarding the estimates of the Fiscal council. In the Parliament we can act and deliberate particular items, their justification and realistic needs by amendments", Jukić has said.

Sadik Bahtić, chairman of the Commission for budget and finances, expects that Serbs will stop such budget on the entity voting.

"The increase is good for the returns, because 300.000 KM was below each measure. We had a similar situation last year, so by the amendments we reached compromise", Bahtić has said and added that financial crisis and reduction of expenditures should not be neglected either.

The increased proposal budget yesterday has not been supported by Nebojša Radmanović, the chairman of the Presidency of BiH, while Željko Komšić and Haris Silajdžić, members of the Presidency, have proposed and voted for this budget.

According to the previous interpretation from the OHR, pulling of the vital national interest by financial decisions, is not enabled by the Constitution.

As it has been announced from the Presidency, the additional 200 million KM needs to be ensured from the unified account of the Indirect Taxation Administration (ITA) of BiH by the increased revenue of 185 million KM, and 15 million KM from the profit of the Central bank of BiH.

The additional 200 million KM is being distributed in way that the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH will receive around 97.2 million KM for the return program, two million KM is being assigned to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH for the reconstruction of building, and four million KM to the ITA for the regional centers.

It has been planned that the additional 12.2 million KM gets assigned to the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) for building of the objects and equipment procurement, and 2.6 million KM to the Border police for equipping.

By the Proposal budget, for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH the additional 12.6 million KM has been assigned for buying of the objects of diplomatic-consular representations, and additional 1.8 million KM to the Court of BiH for the normal functioning.

By the Proposal budget the additional 58.2 million KM has been planned for the Ministry of Justice of BiH for fulfilling of the NATO standard, while the additional 6.366.700 KM has been predicted for the capital reserves for a placement of the Institutions of BiH. Additional funds of two million KM have been predicted for the project of registration of the vehicles in a frame of the CIPS, and additional million KM for the Intelligence-Security Agency of BiH, for the equipment.

The Fiscal Council of BiH has agreed on the budget of entity and the Institutions of BiH on the basis of which the Council of Ministers has confirmed the draft, but it has not been supported in the Presidency of BiH, which had a new proposal as a result.