Dnevni list: The Management board of the Indirect Taxation Administration of BiH at the yesterday’s session in Sarajevo has given its consent on Changes and Amendments of the Law on the VAT, by which the projects of financial assistance of the EU to BiH over the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) are being exempted from paying the VAT.
Exemption from paying the VAT is exceptionally related to the projects from the IPA funds, while providing the goods and services in a frame of other projects of the International Assistance to BiH still duties to the refund of paid VAT, has been notified from the ITA. The Management board has adopted the amendment of the Law on Customs Tariff of BiH, by which the introduction of the tariff quota for import of 50.000 tons of sugar for refining without paying the customs has been predicted.
Main reason is, as it has been stated, the need to ensure to domestic sugar producers closely the same conditions of economization as the ones possessed by the sugar producers in the countries-signatories of the agreement CEFTA.