Dnevni avaz: The Federal Minister of Finances, Vjekoslav Bevanda did not want to comment the yesterday’s adoption of changes and amendments of the Law on Rights of Elected Officials, Bearers of Executive Functions and Advisors in the Institutions of the Government of the FBiH, by which a new way of paying of the salaries has been predicted. In the statement for our paper, he said that he has not attended that part of the session.
– My standpoint on the expenditures for next year is known – they need to be reduced. As we started, we will need magicians to fit in the realistic revenues with much bigger expenditures – Bevanda has said.
Paying of the arrears
The House of Peoples has approved the changes and amendments of the Law on Budgets in the FBiH and changes and amendments on the budget execution for 2008.According to Bevanda, the payment of the arrears to the Police Administration of the FBiH in a sum of 7.2 million KM, to the Tax Administration of the FBiH in a sum of 5.2 million KM, to the Court Police in a sum of 5.9 million KM, and to other budget users, will be enabled.
In fact, the delegates of the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the FBiH, even though that the majority has been warning from the tribune that the FBiH is in a hard financial crisis because the laws which endanger the budget, are inuring, they themselves have adopted the changes of the Law and an increase of their salaries by 100%.
This act has been discussed only by delegates Elvira Abdić- Jelenović and Svetozar Pudarić, who were against the adoption of this solution. 42 delegates have voted for, five of them were against it, and four delegates abstained.
Abdić-Jelenović has said that from now the total income of delegates and ministers will be 5.600 KM. She also said that she received this information from the Expert Services of the Parliament of the FBiH.
As we find out, the basis for paying of salaries has been increased, and the previous coefficient which was between 14 and 20, would be reduced to 7 or 8%.
Without additions, the basic salary of the Prime Minister, the President of the FBiH, the presiding of the Houses of the Parliament of the FBiH, from the existing 2.080 KM would be increased to 3.696 KM, of ministers from 1.768 to 3.327 KM, and members and delegates from1.456 to 3.234 KM.