Nezavisne novine: By the new proposal of the Law on the Government, the Government of the RS will be in obligation to totally ensure the publicity of work, has been stated by Stojanka Ćulibrk, Deputy Minister of administration and local self-governance of the RS.
She has at the yesterday’s press conference said that this means the obligation of adopting the rulebook on work, by which this issue will be in more detail regulated in a sense of manner in which it will ensure the publicity of work of the Government.
Ćulibrk has stated that the Government has adopted the proposals of the Law on the Republic Administration and on Civil Servants because of the need that the areas which they regulate become harmonized with a number of amendments to the Constitution of the RS, but also to ensure the realization of new tasks related to harmonizing the legislation of the RS with the one of the EU. According to her, some of the republic administrative organizations will get the status of public service, as it is the Agency for medicaments.