Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH has yesterday obligated the Ministry of Finances to ensure the right on remunerations to all parturient women from the FBiH who work in the institutions of BiH, has been announced after yesterday’s session. In the same time, the law suit against the lower levels of government which are ensuring the health care and social protection to persons on a parturient absence from work, has been announced. The Council of Ministers has adopted this decision after the payment of remunerations to parturient women has been canceled at the beginning of October.
"The Council of Ministers has obligated the budget users and the Ministry of Finances of BiH to ensure using the health care and social protection to all employed who are using the parturient absence from work, at least in a volume regulated by the laws which are being applied on lower levels of government, with the obligation of submitting the complaints towards the authorities of lower levels of government which are not applying the law obligations", has been announced after the session. The Council of Ministers has recommended to all other levels of government to improve the stage of health care and social protection of parturient women, and harmonize the laws from this area. At the yesterday’s session, the Minister of Justice, Bariša Čolak has become authorized to form a work group which will in two months prepare the Law on De-nationalization. The Council of Ministers has accepted the changes of the Law on the RTV system, by which the obligations of paying the RTV subscription liberalize the households whose one member is a person with permanently lost eye-sight.
"The State Commission for Revision of Decisions on Naturalization of Foreign Citizens in the first six months this year has done revision of 1.355 decisions on assignation of citizenship. In the procedure of revision for 20 subjects, the Commission has adopted decisions on taking away the citizenship, and in other subjects it has confirmed that the reasons for it do not exist", has been stated in the announcement of the Council of Ministers, which has yesterday accepted the information on work of this commission for the first six months of 2008. The Council of Ministers has yesterday adopted the decision on buying a building for the residence of the Embassy of BiH in Brussels. The building of about 1.800 square meters will be paid four million Euros. The funds for buying a building in which the Embassy of BiH in Belgium and the Mission of BiH in the EU should be, have been approved at the beginning of this year. In the Council of Ministers has for several months lasted conflict on the composition of the commission which will select the best building for residence of the DKR in Brussels.