Nezavisne novine: The Government of the RS has at the last session confirmed the Draft Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Professional Rehabilitation, Enabling and Hiring Disabled, because in the Law it is not precisely defined what is being implied under general, and what under the special conditions for hiring and work of disabled.

“This has caused avoiding the obligation of hiring disabled for the subjects who are according to this Law, obligated to hire disabled”, has been said for Srna by the chief of the Public Relations Bureau of the Government of the RS, Vera Sajić.

She has said that hiring under the special conditions implies obligatory hiring disabled in the authorities of the state administration, jurisdiction and other state authorities, and the authorities of units of local self-governance, public services, institutions and public companies.

“Besides that, by these changes it has been prescribed that the funds of special contribution employer pays to the account of public revenues of the RS, and not to the account of the Fund for professional rehabilitation and hiring persons with disability, by which the control of payment from the Tax Administration Office will be achieved, and more funds for hiring persons with disability ensured”, Sajić has said.