Dnevni avaz: the Supervisor for Brčko, Raffi Gregorian has yesterday issued the order by which the members of the Government of the District are being financially penalized by one-month salary because they have not adopted the draft of the budget in a deadline which has been stated by the Statute of the District. Just yesterday the Government has adopted the proposal of the budget in the sum bigger than 213 million KM.

He suggested to the Assembly to continue the procedure of adopting the budget and proposed the deadline by 31st December for it.

Supervisor is surprised and disappointed by the fact that the Government, despite of its promises and consultations which it had with the Supervisor’s office from January this year, has not finished any of its basic tasks – has been said in the announcement.

Gregorian has pointed out that not adopting the budget on time could bring into question the financial stability of the District, which he could not let happen. Not accepting considers that the members of the Government are causing the damage upon the citizens of the District by violating the Statute and the Law.

He insists for domination of the law to be defended in the District, so he decided to penalize the members of the Government because of irresponsible and illegal moves.

Members of the Government will not receive the salary for September. In order for him to avoid any kind of threat upon the financial stability of the District, he dictates the Assembly Commission for the budget to continue in a technical mandate the budget process and create the conditions so that the new session starts deliberations on the budget as soon as it has been constituted – stated in the dictate.

The total sum of deprived salaries will be transferred to the Department for health, to the unit for social protection, for equipping the Daycare center for children with special needs, which is currently in the process of building.