Dnevni avaz׃ Strategic plans of municipalities in BiH should be unified, which will enable the local communities to be the partners on their way to the EU, has been said by Radomir Kezunović, president of the Alliance of Municipalities and Towns of the RS.

Representatives of the Alliance of Municipalities and Towns of the RS, FBiH and international institutions have met yesterday on Jahorina, to analyze the possibilities of creating strategic plan of local communities in BiH, which by now has not been standardized.

“The project which will unify the strategic plans in municipalities with the goal to bring the local communities into the situation to be the partners on their way to the EU has been created”, Kezunović has said.

He explained that the working group, composed of domestic and foreign experts, will with the local communities suggest the changes of certain solutions regarding planning which will enable unification of standards in all municipalities.

In the parallel with this, the constitutional meeting has been held with the donors and representatives of the countries of the EU and international organizations which offer support to development of the local self-governance in BiH.