Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – BiH has fulfilled only 13 conditions from the list of 30 short-term priorities on basis of which the European Commission will grade this year’s progress of our country towards the membership in the European Union.
This has been stated in the report on realization of priorities, which has been adopted by the Council of Ministries of BiH on Thursday. The chairman of the Council of Ministries of BiH, Nikola Špirić, has then said, that “we have time by October 5th to do some more things”.
The Government of BiH, from November last year, when the European Partnership for BiH, which contains the conditions for further progress of the country towards the EU, has been announced, has succeeded totally or partially to fulfill 13 priorities. The European Commission has announced the list of 30 short-term priorities in summer this year, and they are only a part of about hundred conditions from the European Partnership. Among the adopted priorities are the Laws on Fiscal Council of BiH, Agriculture, Nutrition and Rural development, medications, middle professional education, Public RTV service of the Federation of BiH.
“The Public Administration Reform Fund has become operative; the National strategy for the sector of justice has been adopted, but not the strategy for processing war crimes. We have adopted the Strategy of integrated coordination of the border, have nominated the director of the Agency for Protection of Personal Data, have abolished the custom evidence of 1%”, has been written in the report which has been adopted in the Council of Ministries of BiH.
Among the 17 unfulfilled conditions are the Laws on Bank supervision, state property, obligations, environment protection, change of the Election law in the part which is related to the election of members of the Presidency of BiH and delegates in the House of Peoples of the Parliament of BiH, and the strategy for development of small and middle enterprices, establishment of economic-social council…
“All these documents have already been prepared and political agreements for their adoption are needed”, says Osman Topčagić, director of the Directorate for the European Integrations of BiH.
Zora Stanić, spokesperson of the Delegation of the European Commission in BiH, did not want to say what the report on BiH would be like, saying that “the Governments of BiH know which priorities need to be realized”.