Dnevni avaz: The reason why on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, has the Government of the FBiH yesterday confirmed and by the urgent process sent to the parliamentarian procedure the Proposal of Law on changes and amendments of the Law on citizenship of the FBiH lays in the competency of regulating the legal status of children born on the territory of the FBiH, and whose parents are the citizens of BiH and the RS with residency in the FBiH or RS. In this way it is enabled to those children to get the citizenship of the FBiH.
Building the PCI has been approved
The Government of the FBiH has approved to the Federal Ministry of Justice building the Penal-Correctional Institute of the open and half-open type in Mostar. The object will be built on the land of the area of 50 hundreds squares which has been a part of the barracks “Stanislav Baja Kraljević” (former Heliodrom).
According to the current legal solutions, these newly born children cannot reach the right on the citizenship of the both entities, although they are the citizens of BiH.
The Government of the FBiH has adopted the Decision on approving transfer of parts of deposited funds in the name of capitalization of consortium MOL-INA economical society “Terminals of the Federation”. It is about the transfer of 8.212.923 from about 10.200.000 KM, how much has the consortium deposited to the Government on the name of capitalization of the “Energopetrol”.