Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Internet site of the BiH Parliament has been destroyed yesterday by the second time in the last two months, has been confirmed in the Parliament of BiH and the company „Enigma“, which maintains the official internet presentation of the Parliament of BiH.
„The web site of the Parliament of BiH is especially interesting to hackers probably because of the political reasons. Last hacker attack started on Friday, and the web site has been hacked on Monday in morning hours. All information is again available to the users. This is the second time from August that the hackers entered the web site of the Parliament“, has been said by Mario Abab, director of the company „Enigma“.
He explained how hackers have not erased the information from the web site, but they left their messages. He pointed out that during the hacker attack on the web site; the existing data in the information system of the Parliament has not been endangered.
„It is obvious that there are problems with safety of our site. The whole reconstruction of our IT system is on, which will assume the analysis of responsibilities of all those who are obliged for maintaining and safety of our internet presentation. It is possible that we will select the new company which will maintain the site, and we will also introduce the most modern systems of protection“, has been said by Aljoša Čampara, secretary of the joint service of the Parliament of BiH.
From the Parliament of BiH they said that hacker attacks on the web site are permanent, and they were more often during the last two months.
„More attention has been given to the safety of the website, but it is impossible to guarantee its absolute protection“, has been notified from the Parliament of BiH.