Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – The exchange of the Land Registers between the entities could be continued already in October, one month after the federal Prime Minister, Nedžad Branković has decided to abolish the further exchange with the RS. This has been promised yesterday by the entity Ministers of Justice Džerard Selman and Feliks Vidović, who the solution of this problem see in forming a joint commission for exchange of Land Registers, on the basis of the Agreement from July of this year.
“We believe that the exchange will be continued already in the next month”, Selman has said, after the Governments of both entities have received from the foreign donors 5.4 million Euros more for further reform of abandoned land administration.
According to him, the commission will precisely confirm the regions which are being “cut” by inter-entity line and in what way the Land Registers will be overtaken.
The Federal Minister Vidović claims that the Prime Minister Branković has chosen the one-sided break of the exchange because he has been informed by some Courts of Law, that there is “a certain number of problematic properties”. However, he did not say precisely what the problem was, or which objects have outweighed in the benefit of abolishment of the inter-entity agreement.
As it has been anticipated, the commission will consist of the representatives of Ministries of Justice, Geodetic Administrations and the Courts on whose territory the properties are placed.
By the Agreement, which has been signed by the Departmental Ministers in July of this year, it has been anticipated that the authorized Courts exchange the Land Registers and that the each property on the inter-entity line needs to be registered in the registers of the Court on the territory on which it has been placed. In many municipalities, the data on this subject has been held in the Courts of another entity, which, as the Governments in Banja Luka claim, opens the room for manipulation with the properties, such have been noticed on the region of Sarajevo, Doboj and Trebinje, as they claim.
The Reform of the Land Administration has been additionally supported yesterday by money from Sweden, Germany and Austria, and the goal is, as the governments claim, that by 2005 on the territory of whole country the Land Register Offices need to be established. It has been planned that this money will be directed to digitalization of land data and education of employed.
“This would be an enormous progress for citizens and the companies because by introducing an order in this field to the investors, the message that their ownership is ensured, would be sent to them”, the Minister Selman has said and repeated that the citizens, in the frame of the Reform, could already next year find the data on the properties on the region of Bijeljina and Bajaluka.