Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – For the first eight months of this year, from the budget of institutions of BiH 176.000 KM have been paid to the members of different commissions, has been confirmed to “Nezavisne novine” in the Ministry for Finance and Treasury of BiH.
The highest amount of money for commission work, 126.000 KM, has been paid to the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, while the members of commissions of other BiH institutions received the total of 50.000 KM.
In the Ministry for Finance and Treasury they say that the payrolls are significantly reduced for work in commissions after adopting decision which regulates this field in BiH institutions, but the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH has been left out of this decision and the Law on Salaries as well.
“The biggest part of money has been paid for work in commissions for selection of civil servants, so the Civil Service Agency has for this purpose paid 33.600 KM. Members of these commissions have salaries from 50 to 300 KM, depending on how many candidates have been involved in the contest, or the volume of work”, has been written in response of the Ministry.
The rest, about 20.000 KM, has been paid to the members of commissions in about ten BiH institutions, but the remunerations did not go over 200 KM per person, except for the case of the Central Election Commission of BiH, where for four their members has been paid 1.440 KM.
“It is about commissions for work on the Laws where the members of the CEC were the members of the Working Group which has been formed by the Parliament in 2007”, has been explained in the Ministry for Finance of BiH.
In this Ministry they claim that there are some of decisions on remunerations which are in the phase of adopting and which are not problematic (commissions for professional exams, judicial exams, board of appeals), but the Council of Ministries has abolished them as long as the question of the main decision on commission is not solved.
Jukić received the record of 7.997 KM
According to data of the Ministry for Finance of BiH, some delegates have been paid as much as 8.000 KM each for work in commission in the first eight months of this year. So the first delegate on the list is Velimir Jukić with 7.997 KM, then Dušanka Majkić with 6.977 KM, and Hazim Rančić with 6.500 KM, while Božo Rajić, Branko Zrno and Drago Kalabić have received almost 4.500 KM each, and about 3.500 KM Niko Lozančić, Momčilo Novaković and Adem Huskić have collected from commissions. Other remunerations are going from 120 KM, as it has been paid to Sulejman Tihić and Zlatko Lagumdžija, up to 2.700 KM as Jozo Križanović, Sadik Bahtić and Halid Genjac have received. Also, some civil servants in the BiH Parliament take up to 1.196 KM for their work in commissions.
Because of complaints from the BiH institutions about the fact that the existing decision of the Council of Ministries on Work in Commissions is restrictive and rigorous, and after adopting the Law on Salaries, the Ministry for Justice of BiH works on the draft of new decision which would regulate this field.
According to the list of engaged civil servants, it is rarely happening that one person is a member of more commissions, which is not a case in the Parliament.