Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The House of Representatives of the BiH Parliament adopted yesterday the Law on Salaries in Institutions of BiH, according to which the members of the Presidency of BiH will be the best paid state officials with the salaries of around 5.000 KM.
From the law are excluded the MPs and the delegates of the parliament of BiH, who were supposed to have salaries in excess of 6.000 KM.
“The Collegium accepted the compromise amendment which excludes the MPs and the delegates from the Law on Salaries in Institutions of BiH. Their salaries will be calculated as until now”, said Niko Lozančić, chairman of the House of Representatives.
The Law on Salaries was supported by the MPs from the SNSD, the SDA, the Party for BiH, the HDZ BiH, the HDZ-a 1990, and the People’s Party Radom za boljitak, while against were the members of the SDP, the SDS, the DNS, the DNZ and the BPS.
“The pressure of the public on the occasion of adoption of the Law on Salaries was extremely strong and especially focused on the salaries of the MPs, although it was about systemic solution not for 57 MPs, but for 20.000 people. By exclusion of the MPs from the Law we took the pressure off the Law and I am glad we adopted it, because it is in the interest of the state”, said Beriz Belkić, deputy chairman of the House of Representatives of the parliament of BiH.
Adoption of the Law on Salaries was also welcomed by the minister of finances of BiH, Dragan Vrankić, stressing that it introduces an order and financial discipline in this area. He confirmed that for implementation of the Law additional 50 million KM will be needed in this year.
Representatives of the union of the employees of the state institutions yesterday confirmed that they are not satisfied with the adopted Law, and that they will probably go on strike.
MPs of the BiH parliament yesterday also adopted the Laws on the Fiscal Council of BiH, and Medications, while the Law on Conflict of Interests was rejected.
Relieve of duty of Alkalaj, Šepić and Crnadak was not confirmed
The MPs yesterday did not confirm the decision of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić, on relieve of duty of the minister of foreign affairs, Sven Alkalaj, and deputy ministers of civil affairs and defense, Senad Šepić, and Igor Crnadak.
“The Central Election Commission adopted two different decisions on the basis of the same facts, which speaks enough that they themselves are not sure whether these people are in the conflict of interests. I think that before confirmation of the decision by the Chairman, we should wait for the decision of the competent court”, said Bakir Izetbegović, chairman of the SDA Caucus.
“The CEC adopted a decision that three of my colleagues are in the conflict of interests. On the basis of that I decided to start a procedure of their replacement. The Parliament should give a final word on that, but I did not want to be silent about all this, because I would loose my credibility by that”, said Špirić.