Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Government of the FBiH today in Sarajevo organizes a conference on reform of veteran-social provisions which in the FBiH are being received by around one million inhabitants. This was announced yesterday by the prime minister of the FBiH, Nedžad Branković.
"These provisions are a true problem of all the levels of authority in the FBiH and we believe that through open dialogue we will find the solutions which will provide that we plan a stabile budget", clarified Branković. He added that at the conference there will be presentation of the estimates of possible number of illegal beneficiaries of remunerations, but also all the solutions the Government of the FBiH can offer. The Conference will gather more than 100 participants, among which the representatives of international monetary institutions.
Minister for work and social care, Perica Jelečević, says that now, already on the basis of applications for exercise of rights of non-war disables, in the budget of the FBiH around 200 million KM is lacking.
"We must implement reforms, because if we continue like this, we will sink our selves", said Jelečević.
Minister for veteran population, Zahid Crnkić, reminded that in the FBiH more than 100.000 people have the status of the veteran disabled and that solution has to be found also for the camp survivors and those who have the PTSD, as well as the manner for realization of the existing rights.
Minister of finances in the Government of the FBiH, Vjekoslav Bevanda, thinks that the conference is an honest way and manner that different stakeholders, from social categories to employers and unions, exchange their opinions.
"We will show what the gathering of public incomes is like and their distribution for the last few years and we will show what the FBiH has to and can do", said Bevanda.