Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Council of Ministers of BiH yesterday adopted the Law on Public Roads in BiH, which establishes the Agency for Roads of BiH which will not manage the roads but have regulatory competencies. This was confirmed by Nikola Špirić, chairman of the Council of Ministers.
“It is good that after a lot of time spent on various harmonizations we finally have the Law on Public Roads of BiH. The Agency will be in charge for harmonization and implementation of technical standards, fees for usage of roads, coordination and harmonization of lists of priorities of restoration projects”, said Špirić. The Council of Ministers proposed to the Presidency of BiH to adopt a decision on publishing the Interim Agreement with the EU in the “Official Gazette of BIH” so it could be applied from July 1st this year.
The Council of Ministers of BiH abolished decisions on abolishment of application of zero customs for certain products from Serbia and Croatia. At yesterday’s session appointed was also the Work Group for negotiations on visa reliefs, led by Samir Rizvo from the Ministry of Security of BiH.