Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Milorad Dodik, prime minister of the Republic of Srpska, stated that all the tasks, which the international community imposed to domestic authorities as a condition for withdrawal of the OHR, could be fulfilled by the end of this year.
“Already in June we will achieve three objectives – sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU, solve the question of strategy of the justice department and agree on the Fiscal Council”, said Dodik, after yesterday’s talks with Raffi Gregorian, principal deputy High Representative.
Meeting Dodik – Gregorian comes one month prior to session of the Peace Implementation Council, which earlier set two conditions and five objectives, as a condition for withdrawal of the OHR, i.e. its transformation in the Office of the Special Representative of the EU.
Dodik pointed out that during summer and autumn there could be a start of solving the rest of the conditions, asked by the international community, including the question of the status of the Brčko District and drafting of the law on division of state property. According to him, agreement could be achieved quickly also on the rest of the open questions, if, as he stressed, everybody is abiding by the Constitution, the Dayton Agreement and the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU.
Inviting all the responsible to work on practical fulfillment of obligations which follow the signing of the agreement with the EU, Dodik, however, stated the opinion that “some forces in the country want, by creation of problems around various questions, to keep the OHR, which is damageable to the OHR it self”.
Gregorian, however, stressed that fulfillment of the set objectives is primarily on the domestic authorities and he pointed out that it depends only on them when will they fulfill the conditions in front of them. Nevertheless, he commended the achieved so far, and as especially significant he pointed out the intensification of the dialogue with the NATO and signing of the agreement with the EU.