Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Council of Ministers of BiH will soon propose boards for implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between BiH and the EU (SAA), which will be signed on June 16, confirmed yesterday the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Nikola Špirić.
“The Interim Agreement with the EU will be in force as soon as July 1st this year. By then we have to abolish customs registration to import products amounting one per cent. That is the first concrete move we have to take, but there is a lot of work we need to do. That is why I invite all the political structures in BiH not to slow down the process of association with the EU, but that everybody contributes to its acceleration”, said Špirić.
The Chairman of the Council of Ministers pointed out that the EU on Monday, by starting the process of complete abolishment of visas, sent to the citizens of BiH encouraging messages. He stressed that start of negotiations on liberalization of visa regime, and the announced signing of the agreement with the EU, means strengthening of the European idea in BiH.
“Brussels gave us clear signs for our European future. That is an offered hand which nobody must refuse. In November the EU and the UN will present reports on the progress in BiH. I believe that by then we can fulfill majority of conditions placed before us”, said Špirić.
He also announced soon to be adopted programme of integration of BiH in the EU, and welcomed the possibility that political leaders of BiH adopt the political agreement on institutions and models of quickened fulfillment of conditions for association with the EU. Adoption of this agreement was initiated by the High Representative Miroslav Lajčak.
“The Constitution and law clearly prescribes who is in charge for leading the whole process. However, it would be good to achieve the agreement, in order to strengthen the whole process”, concluded Špirić, repeating that BiH should receive the candidate for the EU status in 2010 or 2011, by when the visas for citizens of BiH should also be abolished.
AF1: Lajčak: BiH needs a political agreement on division of work
BiH needs a political agreement on internal division of work in the process of association with the EU which will enable it to become a reliable European partner, said the High Representative Miroslav Lajčak during yesterday’s meeting with Špirić.
“The EU awarded BiH for positive progress. The EU invited BiH to maintain this progress by immediately starting the implementation of the Interim Agreement, before the entire Stabilization and Association Agreement is in force. BiH must prove that it can successfully fulfil the conditions of the EU. In order for BiH to feel the positive effects of the process leading in the European integrations, it needs a political agreement on internal division of work. This has nothing to do with the constitutional reform or transfer of competencies”, said Lajčak. He supported Špirić’s efforts in fulfillment of five objectives and two conditions which were set in February this year by the management Board of the Peace Implementation Council as a condition for transition of the OHR.
“Although already now the progress is being achieved in fulfillment of these conditions, the Peace Implementation Council will not be in a position to seriously talk on this matter before autumn”, added Lajčak.